When using mail to communicate with your customers, the address is the keystone – the lynchpin that holds together the content, creativity, production and delivery of documents. Keep your system running smoothly by formatting, updating and maintaining addresses as soon as the organization acquires the information.
Companies may attain addresses individually or as part of a list. A prospect or customer may initiate contact through the mail, by telephone or on a website. Or the company may receive a group of addresses - by purchasing a list, or receiving a batch update from a customer (e.g., an insurance company receives a list of employees). In both cases, the addresses should be validated for completeness and accuracy as soon as possible.
The United States Postal Service (“USPS”) has established standards for the proper formatting of addresses (Publication 28 - Postal Addressing Standards). Following the proper standards improves the deliverability of the mail, reduces the amount of return mail and allows for participation in postage discount programs. Companies can use USPS-certified software that puts addresses into the proper format and validates the correct ZIP Code information. The certification is known as the Coding Accuracy Support System or “CASS”.
For individual addresses, a company may choose to validate addresses in real-time or in a batch mode. To check individual addresses automatically, the company’s software bounces the address against a CASS-certified engine using an application programming interface (“API”). Many people who order on the internet have encountered this type of update. They enter an address on an order form and on the next screen, the address is presented in the correct USPS format with the full ZIP+4 code displayed. The API software may interface with CASS software installed locally or via an internet subscription (SaaS).
Using “real-time” correction reduces the numbers of address errors in a database. Postal coding software often makes changes to an address, like the street directional or unit designation. If the information is being entered by a customer service representative, they can confirm the change with the person during the call. If the person is entering information on a website, they’ll be able to validate the coded address.
If the systems don’t allow for an API interface, or if the company is receiving lists of new customers, then batch jobs checking all new addresses should be scheduled nightly. Not only does this practice ensure conformity with postal regulations, it exposes any errors as soon as possible. It also allows the company to start correcting those errors before any mailpieces are sent out – and returned as undeliverable.
For any customer or prospect lists received, the batch job should also include running the list against the National Change of Address (“NCOALink”) database. Using NCOALink is one method of being compliant with Move Update - matching the mailer's address records with change-of-address (“COA”) orders received and maintained by the USPS. There are four approved and two alternative Move Update methods. Mailers can meet the Move Update requirement in the following five ways:
- Ancillary Service Endorsement.
- Address Change Service (“ACS”).
- National Change of Address Linkage (NCOALink) System.
- NCOALink for Mail Processing Equipment
- Alternative Move Update Methods (Legal Restraint or 99 Percent Accurate).
Being compliant with postal regulations isn’t the most important reason for using CASS and NCOALink software. Ensuring timely delivery to your customers while reducing undeliverable and returned mail are the much more significant. The best-designed content on a document produced in the most efficient manner possible has no value – unless your customer receives the mailpiece at their current and correct address.
And the best way to maintain those addresses? It’s always best to start at the beginning.