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The Berkshire Company Blog

Books to Bring Along on Your Summer Vacation 2024 Edition

Posted by Mark Fallon on Jun 27, 2024 4:15:00 AM

"Reading takes us away from home, but more important, it finds homes for us everywhere." - Hazel Rochman


For most of us, the upcoming holiday weekend marks the beginning of summer vacation season. Hopefully, you’ll find time away from your office – onsite or hybrid – and enjoy some downtime with family and friends. Time for resting, reflecting, and perhaps – reading.

My vacation companions always include a book. Or two. Or three. 

And usually a stop at a bookstore. Or two. Or three. It’s why I prefer to drive rather than fly. No extra luggage needed and no overweight fees. 

Here are a baker’s dozen of books you might consider packing in your bags. 

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The Berkshire Company / books / reading / learning / positive / inspiration / optimism / gift / bookstore

Three Canes – Three Lessons

Posted by Mark Fallon on May 30, 2024 4:45:00 AM

" I am still learning.” – Michelangelo

It wasn’t something I planned, becoming the owner of 3 different canes. There was no intentional collecting – one’s an heirloom, one’s an essential aid, and the other was a gift. My situation brought them together, and each one brought its own little lesson. 

First Cane: The standard wooden cane belonged to my father. It was his last cane, one that he kept nearby – even when he was using a walker or wheelchair. I can’t use it, because it’s not the right height (when I say I looked up to my father, it’s more than a metaphor). Along with some military memorabilia, it’s one of his few possessions that I kept after his death.

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The Berkshire Company / reading / learning / positive / inspiration / kindness / recovery / optimism / strength / gift

Growing Together at the National Postal Forum

Posted by Mark Fallon on May 7, 2024 4:30:00 AM

In a few weeks, the mailing industry will come together at the National Postal Forum (NPF) in Indianapolis, IN. From Sunday, June 2nd through Wednesday, June 5th, attendees will attend classes, meet with vendors, and hear from US Postal Service (USPS) executives. It’s a packed agenda.

The Berkshire Company has partnered with the NPF to create the Mail Center Manager Course on Wednesday, June 5th. After three days of learning about postal initiatives, industry trends and innovative technology, we’re focusing on your most important resource – you!

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United States Postal Service / National Postal Forum / USPS / NPF / The Berkshire Company / Habitat for Humanity / growth

Race Results from the 2023 National Postal Forum in Charlotte

Posted by Mark Fallon on Jun 5, 2023 12:15:53 PM

There was more than one winner at the National Postal Forum (NPF) in Charlotte a few weeks ago. In fact, it was evident that all 3,500 attendees had a successful conference in the shadow of the NASCAR Hall of Fame. Whether in classes, on the trade show floor, or networking at events – there were opportunities for everyone.

The keynote address from Postmaster General (PMG) DeJoy provided an update on the Delivering for America plan. PMG DeJoy stressed his commitment to continual “dramatic change” at the US Postal Service (USPS). Videos featuring key leadership emphasized the progress made so far, with the need for even more work to be done. DeJoy stated the new network will take “the Postal Service from the leader in the last mile, to the leader in the last 150 miles.”

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United States Postal Service / National Postal Forum / Postal Customer Council / USPS / Digital / U.S. Postal Service / Postage Rates / NPF / shipping / mail / Postmaster General / The Berkshire Company / learning / management

Low-Hanging Watermelons

Posted by Mark Fallon on May 9, 2023 5:30:00 PM

There’s nothing more rewarding than hearing about a client’s success. It’s even better when the successes involve real dollar savings.

Of course, nothing compares to a call when a client describes their most recent round of savings as “low-hanging watermelons”.

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United States Postal Service / National Postal Forum / Postal Customer Council / USPS / Digital / U.S. Postal Service / Postage Rates / NPF / mail / The Berkshire Company / management

Growth and Opportunity

Posted by Mark Fallon on Mar 7, 2023 4:30:00 AM

"Achievement seems to be connected with action. Successful men and women keep moving. They make mistakes, but they don't quit." - Conrad Hilton

In the early years of my professional life, I changed jobs about every 18 months. Sometimes the new job would be a transfer within the company, other times I went to a new company. While I did resign from my roles, I never felt that I “quit”.

I would start at a company with a directive to improve the operation. When that was accomplished, I would look for new challenges and opportunities. If I couldn’t find them in my current role, I would start looking elsewhere. I had one boss that understood my personality, and he kept expanding my responsibilities. I stayed at that company 4 years, 4 months and 4 days.

Growth – personal and professional – requires change and movement. Smart managers and smart companies recognize the need for growth, and assist their employees with their development. If you aren’t able to continue to grow in your current job, you owe it to yourself to look elsewhere. 

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Strategy / Leadership / The Berkshire Company / consulting / learning / success / management / growth

The National Postal Forum, Habitat for Humanity, and You

Posted by Mark Fallon on Feb 2, 2023 4:30:00 AM

“No one is useless in this world who lightens the burden of it for anyone else.” – Charles Dickens

Why are these people smiling?

Because they joined forces to help build a home at the National Postal Forum (NPF) in Phoenix last year. And these photos were taken after roofing in 90-degree weather!

We would love to have you join this team as we come together again for the Habitat Build Day at the NPF in Charlotte on Saturday, May 20, 2023.

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National Postal Forum / NPF / The Berkshire Company / Habitat for Humanity

My Favorite Books of 2022 – A Baker’s Dozen

Posted by Mark Fallon on Dec 21, 2022 4:30:00 AM

Books have been central to my life – all of my life. From sitting next to my mother while she read to me, to my father taking me to the library for the first time, to rummaging through bookstores during vacations. New books, used books, classics and pulp fiction. Science, history, the history of science and poetry. Genre isn’t important – good writing is.

Theodore Roosevelt, our most literate President, was often asked to list the books people should read.

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Leadership / print / The Berkshire Company / books / learning

Together Again at the National Postal Forum

Posted by Mark Fallon on May 20, 2022 10:31:37 AM


Gathering for the first time since 2019, mailing professionals flocked to Phoenix for the National Postal Forum (NPF). People came ready to work – attending classes, connecting with vendors on the exhibit hall, and hearing from postal executives on products and policies.

A group of volunteers kicked off the conference with a different kind of work. Partnering with the NPF, The Berkshire Company sponsored a Habitat for Humanity build day on Saturday. The crew installed roofing, painted sections of the exterior and assembled work stools. We ended the day with a presentation of a mailbox for the new homeowners.

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United States Postal Service / Industry Vendors / National Postal Forum / USPS / U.S. Postal Service / NPF / Postal Regulatory Commission / Postmaster General / The Berkshire Company

Comprehensive Postal Reform – Part Two

Posted by Mark Fallon on May 1, 2022 5:09:39 AM

The last blog post proposed a new reporting structure of the US Postal Service (USPS) and the Postmaster General (PMG). This post will review the Universal Service Obligation (USO) and provide a draft USO for your consideration.

The USO is the vaguely defined responsibility of the USPS to provide consistent service at affordable rates to all citizens irrespective of geography. The Postal Regulatory Commission (PRC) calculates the costs of the USO and publishes a report on those costs.

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United States Postal Service / USPS / Postal Reform / Postal Regulatory Commission / Vote by mail / Postmaster General / Universal Service Obligation / The Berkshire Company