Trends in Print and Mail

The Berkshire Company Blog

Stay Amazed

Problems Don’t Get Easier – Until They’re Solved

Books to Bring Along on Your Summer Vacation 2024 Edition

Three Canes – Three Lessons

Growing Together at the National Postal Forum

Schedule Some Downtime

Race Results from the 2023 National Postal Forum in Charlotte

Low-Hanging Watermelons

Certified Email: An Opportunity for the USPS

Growth and Opportunity

The National Postal Forum, Habitat for Humanity, and You

Bats, Geese, and the US Postal Service

My Favorite Books of 2022 – A Baker’s Dozen

Management by Fortune Cookie

The World's Slowest Cook

Comprehensive Postal Reform – Part Three: Imagining a New Future Updated

Together Again at the National Postal Forum

Comprehensive Postal Reform – Part Two

Comprehensive Postal Reform – Part One

The Underwhelming Postal Reform Act of 2022

I Need to Read More Books

A Strong Postal Regulatory Commission Benefits the Mailing Industry

Terrible Timing – The Absurdity of the August Rate Increase

20 Years and the Journey Continues

What’s the Cost of the Universal Service Obligation?

A Ship Adrift – The US Postal Service

Preparing for the 2021 Rate Increase

Aggressive Address Management is Essential to Mailing Success

The Postal Service Isn't Broke; They Need a Bailout Anyway

The Self-Inflicted Troubles of the Postmaster General

Postmaster General DeJoy Should Know Silence Isn’t Golden

Postmasters General – Hail and Farewell

Vote By Mail – Process Integrity and Visibility

BREAKING: Congress and the Press Discover that the Postal Service is in Trouble!

What’s a Letter?

When Backup Plans Need Backup Plans

Our Unique American Institution

The Journey to Innovation Begins at the 2020 National Postal Forum

The PRC Proposed Rulemaking for Postal Rates – A Good Start to Reform

The US Postal Service 5-Year Strategic Plan – Still No Plan

Implementing the US Postal Service 2020 Rate Changes

5 Postal and Print Issues for 2020

Huddle Up!

The Clock is Ticking for the US Postal Service

The First Postal Rate Change for 2020

New Leadership for the United States Postal Service

USPS Board of Governors – Silence Isn’t Golden

Workflow Change is Hard and Necessary

Mailers, Large and Small, Should Attend Postal Customer Council Events

Rethinking Postage Meters

The USPS has a Board of Governors – Now What?

Is Your Data Safe? - Data Security Policy Audits

USPS MTAC June 2019 Open Session

Postal Vison 2020 – 9.0 Recap

How to be Bright about DIM Weights

National Postal Forum 2019 Recap: An Informed Drive

Radical Postal Rate Reform is Needed Now

Periodicals – 18th Century Postal Standards for the 21st Century

Postal Reform: Nothing Will Come of Nothing

Tune-Up Your Engines – Getting the Most out of the 2019 National Postal Forum

The Threat of Second Guessing

On Track and Driving Growth for the 2019 National Postal Forum

Planning for the Future When Buying for Today

Become a Positive Deviant

Implementing the US Postal Service 2019 Rate Changes

Trust: The Linchpin to Client-Service Provider Relationships

Trends in Print and Mail - The Top 10 Posts from 2018

2018 Presidential Task Force Report: Underwhelming and Incomplete

US Postal Workers: They Also Serve

USPS Finances and the Unpopular Call for Higher Postage Rates

Prevention Not Panic

2019 Postage Rate Increase: Spenders and Savers

A Failure to Communicate

Powerful Plans

Ready, Fire, Aim! – A Misstep by the US Postal Service

Fall Postal Customer Council Events – Education, Networking and More

The Impact of New Tariffs on Mailing Equipment

Battling Compliance – A Winning Strategy

CAPS is Dead, Long Live EPS

No Surprise – The Trump Administration Wants to Privatize the USPS

Contingency Plans Required

Recognizing Individuals

National Postal Forum 2018 Recap: The Intersection of Physical and Digital

NPF 2018: See You in San Antonio!

Updated eBook for 2018 - 110 Tips to Improve Your Mail Center

The High Costs of Low Quality Control

The Postal Reform Act of 2018 – Is “Hope” a 4-Letter Word?

Print-Mail Service Providers: The Top Pitfalls to Avoid in Your Contract

Retail Counters at the U.S. Postal Service – A Modest Proposal

Looking Ahead – 2018 National Postal Forum

Tough First Quarter for the US Postal Service: A Closer Look

Designing a Mail Center – Key Principles and Concepts

Implementing the US Postal Service 2018 Rate Changes

Trends in Print and Mail - The Top 10 Posts from 2017

The Unstoppable Move to Less Paper, and the Upcoming Upheaval of the Mailing Industry

Postal Regulatory Commission Issues Findings and Proposed Rulemaking – What it Means for Mailers

7 Simple Truths About the U.S. Postal Service Finances

USPS Permit Imprint Rules: Time for an Update

2017 Presidential Nominees to the USPS Board of Governors: Progress or Politics?

Healthcare Payers and the Shift to Digital Communication: A Survey

2018 Postage Rate Increase: The 50-Cent Stamp is Here!

20 Trustworthy Tips

Support Your Local Postal Customer Council 2017

Postage Budgets Await No Agency

USPS Financial Woes Won’t Deliver Postal Reform

Mail Center Security: Handling With Care

Not Every Proposal Wins

US Postal Service to Increase Costs of Non-Compliance

Selecting an Outsourcing Vendor

You Can’t See the Big Picture If You Have Tunnel Vision

USPS and Big Data: Are You Informed?

National Postal Forum 2017 Recap: Briefing from Baltimore

NPF 2017: Meeting up in Maryland

Auditing Your Service Provider

Meeting Minimum US Postal Service Requirements Isn’t Enough

Why Use the RFP Process? Because it works!

Color, Color, Everywhere

Selecting the Right Software

Time to End the CPI Cap for Postage Rate Increases

Giving Time, Giving a Home

Robots – Coming Soon to a Mailbox Near You

Who's On First?

Let’s Get Physical (Mail)

Postal Reform Act of 2017: Return to Sender

A Culture of Service – Still Indispensable After All These Years

New Congress, New President – Same Results? The Gloomy Outlook for Postal Reform

Implementing the US Postal Service 2017 Rate Changes

Trends in Print and Mail - The Top 10 Posts from 2016

The Extra Ounce

Implementing Quality Control in Mail Operations

Holiday Shipping – The Time is Nigh

Scorecard Assessments and Service Providers

Reorgs, Rates and Reform: Musings from MTAC

2017 Postage Rate Increase: Good News for Commercial First-Class Mailers

Different Approaches to Similar Solutions

Twenty Tips for You and Your Organization

Postal Reform October Update – No News Is Bad News

Getting Your Message Across

Looking for Input on New NPF Sessions

USPS and Mailers: Top 5 Keys to a Successful Partnership

What Are You Responsible For?

USPS Full Service IMb Assessments: Ready, Set…..Wait

The Trip Worth Making

Politics, Print and Mail

Build a Better Business Case

Postal Reform Act of 2016: July Update

Ignore the Experts and Pay the Price

Developing an Employee Training Program

Postal Reform Act of 2016: Optimistic Outlook or Skeptical Cynicism

Developing a Technology Investment Strategy for Print and Mail Operations (Part 2)

Developing a Technology Investment Strategy for Print and Mail Operations (Part 1)

Planning for Tomorrow with the USPS

The Value of Integrity

Nor Gloom of Night

A Modest Proposal for the United States Postal Service

Details, details, details

Deja Vu All Over Again

More than Mail: Celebrating the US Postal Worker: Part One

Faster Isn’t Always Better

Implementing the US Postal Service 2016 Rate Changes

Highlights from the 2016 National Postal Forum

How Do You Measure Up?

NPF 2016: Planning for a Productive Week

Performance Measurements for Employees

The Boomer Brain Drain at the US Postal Service

Networking at the National Postal Forum

The Rollback Rates Are Here!

The Real Costs of Poor Address Management

Did You Hear That the U.S. Postal Service is Going Out of Business? No One Told Their Senior Management.

The First Postal Rate Change of 2016 is Upon Us

Trends in Print and Mail – Top 10 Posts of 2015

Time to Reflect

Disaster Recovery Planning – Do It Now

Delivering Help to Habitat for Humanity

Building Professional Improvement Plans

Mail Center Mechanics

Effective Address Management Part 7: Processing Return Mail

Senate Causes Crisis for US Postal Service: A Call to Action

It’s Process, Not Product

Effective Address Management Part 6: Additional USPS Tools

Postal Regulatory Commission Ruling on the Exigent Rate Case – In English

Effective Address Management Part 5: Production Process Integrity

Effective Address Management Part 4: Validate Before Print

Effective Address Management Part 3: Regular Check-Ups

Effective Address Management Part 2: First Contact

Court Ruling Impacts Future Postage Rates

It Begins With the Address

Growing Together at the 2015 National Postal Forum

Preparing for the US Postal Service 2015 Rate Increase

NPF 2015: Anticipation and Expectation

The Mismeasure of Mail

Inbound Mail – Still Critical to Businesses

Twenty Questions To Ask When Purchasing Equipment

Mail and the Misinformed Media

20 Questions When Selecting a Print/Mail Service Provider

When Should I Consider Outsourcing?

The Myths and Realities of Outsourcing

What’s In A Name?

Fire! Ready! Aim!

2015 Postage Rate Case Update