Trends in Print and Mail

The Berkshire Company Blog

The Mailing Industry is Stronger Together

Posted by Mark Fallon on Mar 27, 2014 6:00:00 AM

The Mailing Industry is Stronger TogetherAt the National Postal Forum, the theme of Postmaster General Pat Donahoe’s keynote address was “Stronger Together”. Mr. Donahoe and his team displayed examples of successful companies using mail with online media to generate more business for their companies. They also talked about the intent of the United States Postal Service (USPS) to reach out to their customers to help generate the changes needed to keep our industry strong in the 21st century.

It’s a nice message. But when PMG Donahoe says “We are stronger together”, who does he mean by “we”?

This weekend, I was sorting and scanning the many business cards I collected during the NPF. As I went through the cards, I thought of all the people I met. And all the differences:
  • People who were 25 and people who were 65.
  • People from small non-profits and people from Fortune 100 companies.
  • People from small towns and people from other continents.
  • People who are Native Americans and people who are first generation Americans.
  • People of every race, ancestry and creed.
How do all of these different individuals come together to form a “we”?

We start by focusing on what we have in common. We’re all professionals in the mailing industry. We all took the time to come together for four days to learn more about our businesses, including a Sunday. We’re all invested in the idea of a successful USPS and a growing industry.

We need to build on these commonalities and take action together. We must bring the message back to our companies and our customers to help them understand the vital role mail plays in our businesses. We must continue to come together at our Postal Customer Councils and provide feedback to local and national USPS management. We have to call, email and write to our Congressional Representatives and Senators, demanding action on postal reform.

If we join together and speak with a consistent, clear message, we will be stronger. And then PMG Donahoe will know exactly who “We” are.

United States Postal Service