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The Berkshire Company Blog

Race Results from the 2023 National Postal Forum in Charlotte

Posted by Mark Fallon on Jun 5, 2023 12:15:53 PM

There was more than one winner at the National Postal Forum (NPF) in Charlotte a few weeks ago. In fact, it was evident that all 3,500 attendees had a successful conference in the shadow of the NASCAR Hall of Fame. Whether in classes, on the trade show floor, or networking at events – there were opportunities for everyone.

The keynote address from Postmaster General (PMG) DeJoy provided an update on the Delivering for America plan. PMG DeJoy stressed his commitment to continual “dramatic change” at the US Postal Service (USPS). Videos featuring key leadership emphasized the progress made so far, with the need for even more work to be done. DeJoy stated the new network will take “the Postal Service from the leader in the last mile, to the leader in the last 150 miles.”

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United States Postal Service / National Postal Forum / Postal Customer Council / USPS / Digital / U.S. Postal Service / Postage Rates / NPF / shipping / mail / Postmaster General / The Berkshire Company / learning / management

Low-Hanging Watermelons

Posted by Mark Fallon on May 9, 2023 5:30:00 PM

There’s nothing more rewarding than hearing about a client’s success. It’s even better when the successes involve real dollar savings.

Of course, nothing compares to a call when a client describes their most recent round of savings as “low-hanging watermelons”.

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United States Postal Service / National Postal Forum / Postal Customer Council / USPS / Digital / U.S. Postal Service / Postage Rates / NPF / mail / The Berkshire Company / management

Certified Email: An Opportunity for the USPS

Posted by Mark Fallon on Apr 18, 2023 4:00:00 AM

The US Postal Service (USPS) is in financial trouble. The decline in mail volumes has accelerated in the last year. At the same time, the USPS is losing market share in the package shipping market. Aging facilities and vehicles hamper efficiencies. Congress appropriated billions for electric vehicles and charging stations, but that will only cover a small percentage of the investment needed. 

The response from the USPS is to raise rates – aggressively. The current plan is to raise rates twice a year, in January and July. The January rate increase will be based on the Consumer Price Index (CPI-U) and the July increase will be CPI-U plus factors for mail density and retirement payments. This tactic is driving down mail volumes at the fastest rate since the Great Recession. 

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Mail Security / United States Postal Service / Technology / USPS / Digital / Postal Reform / Postal Regulatory Commission / Postmaster General

Growth and Opportunity

Posted by Mark Fallon on Mar 7, 2023 4:30:00 AM

"Achievement seems to be connected with action. Successful men and women keep moving. They make mistakes, but they don't quit." - Conrad Hilton

In the early years of my professional life, I changed jobs about every 18 months. Sometimes the new job would be a transfer within the company, other times I went to a new company. While I did resign from my roles, I never felt that I “quit”.

I would start at a company with a directive to improve the operation. When that was accomplished, I would look for new challenges and opportunities. If I couldn’t find them in my current role, I would start looking elsewhere. I had one boss that understood my personality, and he kept expanding my responsibilities. I stayed at that company 4 years, 4 months and 4 days.

Growth – personal and professional – requires change and movement. Smart managers and smart companies recognize the need for growth, and assist their employees with their development. If you aren’t able to continue to grow in your current job, you owe it to yourself to look elsewhere. 

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Strategy / Leadership / The Berkshire Company / consulting / learning / success / management / growth

The National Postal Forum, Habitat for Humanity, and You

Posted by Mark Fallon on Feb 2, 2023 4:30:00 AM

“No one is useless in this world who lightens the burden of it for anyone else.” – Charles Dickens

Why are these people smiling?

Because they joined forces to help build a home at the National Postal Forum (NPF) in Phoenix last year. And these photos were taken after roofing in 90-degree weather!

We would love to have you join this team as we come together again for the Habitat Build Day at the NPF in Charlotte on Saturday, May 20, 2023.

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National Postal Forum / NPF / The Berkshire Company / Habitat for Humanity

Bats, Geese, and the US Postal Service

Posted by Mark Fallon on Jan 10, 2023 4:30:00 AM

In several of his last public briefings, Postmaster General (PMG) DeJoy has shown two slides – one with a cauldron of bats filling the screen in what appears to be a jumble of flying figures, followed by one showing a flock of geese flying in typical “V” formation. PMG DeJoy uses the analogy to demonstrate the chaos at the US Postal Service (USPS) when he arrived (the bats), and the order he intends to implement (the geese).

The analogy of bats and geese is appropriate, but PMG DeJoy has taken the wrong lesson. The USPS is more like bats, while their competitors are often more like the geese. Yes, bats and geese both fly, but that’s where the similarities end.

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United States Postal Service / U.S. Postal Service / Postal Reform / Postage Rates / Vote by mail / Postmaster General

My Favorite Books of 2022 – A Baker’s Dozen

Posted by Mark Fallon on Dec 21, 2022 4:30:00 AM

Books have been central to my life – all of my life. From sitting next to my mother while she read to me, to my father taking me to the library for the first time, to rummaging through bookstores during vacations. New books, used books, classics and pulp fiction. Science, history, the history of science and poetry. Genre isn’t important – good writing is.

Theodore Roosevelt, our most literate President, was often asked to list the books people should read.

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Leadership / print / The Berkshire Company / books / learning

Management by Fortune Cookie

Posted by Mark Fallon on Dec 1, 2022 7:37:11 AM

“Sorry, wrong cookie.” – Fortune Cookie

Many Sunday nights in my house begin with a call to the Wok and Roll restaurant. I’m a creature of habit, and I bet the manager writes down “Kung-Pao Chicken” as soon as she sees my telephone number on the Caller ID.

At the end of each meal, I indulge in another favorite habit, opening my fortune cookie. While I don’t believe that my future can be predicted by a random message placed in a mass-produced cookie, I still love those little notes.

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Operations Management / Strategy / Leadership / reading / success / positive / inspiration

The World's Slowest Cook

Posted by Mark Fallon on Oct 4, 2022 4:00:00 AM

Growing up, Sunday morning breakfasts were always special. Whoever woke up first – usually my mother – would fry up bacon in a cast iron skillet. Using the grease from the bacon, we would fry up our eggs in the same skillet. (I said the breakfasts were special, not healthy.)

Getting the chance to make breakfast was a rite of passage. One Sunday, I woke up early, and went down to the kitchen before anyone else. Excited, I heated up the skillet, got the bacon out of the refrigerator, and started cooking. A few minutes later, my mother came downstairs, gave me an amused smile, and asked if the coffee was ready. In my rush, I forgot about the coffee. So I lowered the heat on the bacon, and fired up the coffeemaker.

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Operations Management / Leadership / learning / success / mentorship

Comprehensive Postal Reform – Part Three: Imagining a New Future Updated

Posted by Mark Fallon on Sep 1, 2022 4:00:00 AM

US Code Title 39 §101(a): The United States Postal Service shall be operated as a basic and fundamental service provided to the people by the Government of the United States, authorized by the Constitution, created by Act of Congress, and supported by the people.

The first post in this series proposed a new reporting structure of the US Postal Service (USPS) and the Postmaster General (PMG). The second post reviewed the Universal Service Obligation (USO) and provide a minimum standards for a new USO..

This post will reimagine what services the US Postal Service may provide in the future – within and beyond the limits of what the current laws allow.

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United States Postal Service / USPS / U.S. Postal Service / Postal Reform / Postal Regulatory Commission / Postmaster General / Universal Service Obligation